Hi, I’m Lauren, Founder & Woman in Charge!


I am on a mission to change the world for our children.

As a Certified Pre and Postpartum Nutritionist and Level 3 Performance Nutrition Coach, I teach you how to optimise your nutrition and movement strategy to enable you to thrive. I teach you how to use nutrition to fuel a life that you love, breaking free from restrictive diets and feeling guilty for indulging in the foods you love. I also look beyond food to coach you about the key elements of sustainable health behaviour change, to ensure we set you up with the skills and confidence to always live the life you love.

In the unregulated world of nutrition coaching I am a university qualified health practitioner. I hold a Bachelor degree in Medical Science, with a major in Neuroscience and minor in Advanced Human Biology. I understand how the body and brain work together to create the physiological processes that enable us to live. I understand how hormones, energy systems, gut health, stress and sleep can impact your health. I help you figure out what kind of habits, rituals and movement practices will serve you and your unique body best, fit in with your busy lifestyle, and support your goals.

As a woman whose body confidence used to be non-existent, who used to binge (cue the guilt) and restrict (cue the food obsession), I know what it’s like to know that things need to change but not how to do it or who to turn to. I also know the great joy that I have found from achieving food freedom, and how my relationships, my confidence, my sex life (hells yeah!), and my psyche have all exponentially improved as a result.

As a time poor mama who hates meal prep, I can show you all of my tips and tricks to manage healthy eating without needing to spend all day Sunday food prepping for the following week. I also know that being busy is not an excuse, so am well prepared to lovingly keep you accountable and on track to living the life that you love.

I created Fuel Your Life Nutrition for women around the world. My vision is a world where each woman believes she is truly good enough as she is. A world where women are free from deprivation and social pressure and know that no matter what they look like, their food choices fuel their dreams and enable them to thrive.

I am on a mission to inspire women to look beyond the social pressures of ‘skinny’ and ‘lean’ and discover what truly makes them happy. To uncover what they value and what drives them (their why) - and help them develop the skills and self confidence to eat in the way that fuels their life and enables them to thrive.

Join me and other likeminded women in Why Tribe, our online community, and via my online course, The Well Nourished Mama, and change the game for you and your family for generations to come.


I was you. I am you.

I used to drag myself out of bed every day. I would skip the gym because I punished myself with dreaded cardio yesterday and was too sore to double up. I would stand naked in front of the mirror mentally pointing out all of my flaws and wondering why I worked so hard in the gym but wasn’t seeing results. I wondered if perhaps I wasn’t pushing myself hard enough. Or maybe I needed to drop calories. I really did want to be healthy, strong, and active. I figured maybe my metabolism was broken. Maybe I’ll just never be enough.

I was stuck on the hampster wheel of unachievable health goals (mine were always weight loss - hello terrible body image and yoyo dieting!) and was always the chubbiest girl in the room. For 15 years I felt like a failure because I couldn’t stick to my goals. My relationship with nutrition was awful and my body and mind reflected that. I was chronically stressed, anxious, overweight, and lacked the energy or confidence to change my life. But change IS possible. By blocking out all of the noise (ahem, fad diets!), finding what truly, intrinsically motivated me (I call it finding my why), and learning how to implement nutrition and movement habits that supported my health goals and truly brought me joy, I now fuel my body in a way that enables me to thrive - mind, body and soul.