Nourishing Your Brain: The Crucial Connection Between Postpartum Nutrition, Children's Health, and Sugar Consumption
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Nourishing Your Brain: The Crucial Connection Between Postpartum Nutrition, Children's Health, and Sugar Consumption

As Easter festivities come to a close, many households find themselves surrounded by colourful chocolate eggs, sugary treats, and sweet indulgences. While it's undoubtedly a joyous time for children, it's essential to consider the implications of excessive sugar consumption, particularly concerning brain health and overall wellbeing.

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Should Mums Change Their Diet for the CrossFit Open? A Practical Guide
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Should Mums Change Their Diet for the CrossFit Open? A Practical Guide

The CrossFit Open is an exhilarating time for athletes worldwide, bringing together a community of fitness enthusiasts to test their limits and celebrate their accomplishments. For moms who participate in CrossFit, the Open presents a unique opportunity to showcase their strength and endurance. However, amidst the excitement, questions often arise about whether moms should adjust their diet in preparation for this challenging event. In this blog post, we'll explore who might benefit from dietary changes and who can approach the Open with confidence in their current eating habits.

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Kickstarting Your Mini Cut Journey: A guide for busy mums
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Kickstarting Your Mini Cut Journey: A guide for busy mums

So, you’ve read my previous blog posts on setting goals for the new year, and pros and cons of a mini cut for mums., and you’ve decided you want to embark on your mini cut journey. But, you’re not quite sure how to get started. Well mama, this blog post is for you!

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New Year, New Goals? Weighing the Pros and Cons of Fresh Starts
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

New Year, New Goals? Weighing the Pros and Cons of Fresh Starts

It's that time of year again: the champagne bottles have been popped, the confetti swept away, and resolutions are swirling in the air like snowflakes. But before you jump headfirst into setting goals for the new year, it's worth taking a moment to consider the pros and cons of this age-old tradition.

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Navigating the Mini Cut Journey: Pros and Cons for Mums
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Navigating the Mini Cut Journey: Pros and Cons for Mums

Welcoming motherhood is a beautiful journey, and many moms consider a mini cut as part of their postpartum health and fitness strategy. In this blog post, I’ll explore the pros and cons of embarking on a mini cut for mums, shedding light on both the benefits and potential challenges.

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What’s The Best Diet For (insert goal here)
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

What’s The Best Diet For (insert goal here)

Many people ask me what the best diet for (e.g.) fat loss or muscle gain is. There is an entire science behind eating, but the short story is, the best diet is the one that you can see yourself sticking to for the rest of your life.

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Why you should know Annie Thorisdottir
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Why you should know Annie Thorisdottir

The CrossFit games aired across the world earlier this month. Annie is, in my opinion, the sweetheart of the Games. She had her baby in early 2021 and returned to the Games only seven months later. Not only did she return, but she also podiumed. Annie is my CrossFit idol. However, not because she podiumed so quickly after giving birth. Nor is it because she was the first woman to win the Games in two consecutive years (2011 and 2012).

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Nutrition for Training & Breastfeeding
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Nutrition for Training & Breastfeeding

I recently posted about the benefits of resistance training on my Instagram page. I am an advocate of resistance training for women. There is significant research that suggests that women who lift (heavy) weights see huge emotional and physical benefits throughout life. This month I talk about what we should eat to lift and support breastfeeding.

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The Calories We Burn While Breastfeeding
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

The Calories We Burn While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mamas burn up to 700 calories more than their non-breastfeeding peers, every single day. In this blog post, I talk about why using breastfeeding as a tool for weight loss can have negative effects for you and bub, what else we can focus on instead, and how I overcome the pressure to ‘bounce back’.

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Key Principles: Nutrition for Mamas
Lauren Johnson Lauren Johnson

Key Principles: Nutrition for Mamas

We are our children’s greatest influence. Showing them what a healthy plate looks like is a critical part of our job as parents. In this blog post, we’ll explore four key tips for good nutrition that will help you optimise your diet and help you and your family build healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

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